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Coaching at Engendering Industries training

Engendering Industries Accelerated Program

The Engendering Industries Accelerated Program is a leadership program that develops the skills and tools needed to increase gender equality, diversity, and inclusion in the workplace.

Increasing gender equality in the workplace has become a priority for organizations around the world, and research shows gender diversity is correlated with improved company performance. Today, most organizations are working to recruit and retain more women in order to improve productivity, build resiliency, and improve their brand and reputation.

Accelerated Program in Vienna, Austria

About the Program

Change Management Coach Esteban Navarro Valazquez Works with a team of Accelerated Program participants

The Engendering Industries Accelerated Program is a 12-month program that consists of organizational gender equality assessments, a training course, and up to twelve months of change management coaching to support partners to implement gender equality initiatives at their company. Graduates of the Accelerated Program are able to:

  • Identify gender equality gaps within their organization.
  • Develop a business case that demonstrates how gender equality will benefit the organization’s bottom-line.
  • Take targeted, tangible, and strategic action, grounded in assessment, to increase gender equality in their organization.
  • Strengthen leadership and change management skills and exercise more influence to create an equitable and diverse workplace.
  • Effectively engage other male and female leaders within their organization in support of desired change.

The Accelerated Program is designed for female and male managers who wish to develop their gender equality expertise, boost their influence, and spearhead change within their organization. Operations leaders, HR managers, and managers of other support functions who are strategically placed within their organizations to influence change are encouraged to apply. Organizations are required to send two to three influential employees who are empowered by leadership to enact change at the company.

The Accelerated Program trains employees on methods for developing and improving company culture, policies, and practices to advance gender equality.

Accelerated Course participants at a program in Austria.

Accelerated Program Modules and Virtual Structure

Participants of the Accelerated Program will partake in a rapid organizational gender assessment, a self-assessment, a training course, and change management coaching for up to 12 months. The curriculum for the training course draws from USAID’s toolkit, Delivering Gender Equality: A Best Practices Framework for Male-Dominated Industries, which introduces gender equality initiatives at each phase of the employee lifecycle. Intended to be a catalyst for change, this program provides a holistic, practical learning environment that ensures success for participating employees and their organizations. Following the program, participants will receive virtual coaching to help them successfully drive change, improve gender equality, and build resilience in their organization. View our program brochure provided above to learn more about the objectives of the program.

Accelerated Program Facilitators and Regional Academic Partners

The program is facilitated by an international team of Engendering Industries change-management and gender equality experts in conjunction with faculty and staff from academic and regional partners. This includes:

Facilitators have more than 15 years of experience in gender equality, leadership, change management, and human resources management. Following the program, participants will receive four to twelve months of virtual coaching to implement the action plan developed during the program.