A Practical Tool for Advancing Women's Labor Force Participation
Around the world, women’s labor force participation rates are unequal to men’s, and work opportunities within lucrative industries and companies remain limited. The Engendering Industries Best Practices Framework is a curated tool that outlines global best practices for advancing women’s participation in the workforce. The Best Practices Framework allows companies to complete an organizational assessment, identify gaps between men and women, select best practices to implement at each phase of the employee life cycle, and build a tailored plan that gives women the opportunity to prosper at the company. Engendering Industries updates the tool annually to reflect evolving international standards and cutting-edge research on women’s economic empowerment.
The Employee Life Cycle Model
The Best Practices Framework is organized around Engendering Industries’ unique employee life cycle model, which includes eight phases and four cross-cutting organizational enablers. Transformational change requires action across each phase of the employee life cycle and the entire corporate structure.

Use Our Organizational Assessment Tool
Our organizational assessment tool supports companies to identify opportunities for strengthening balanced representation of men and women in the workforce. Download and complete the assessment, then benchmark your corporate practices against those outlined in the Best Practices Framework.
Create a Plan to Advance Women at Your Company
In the interactive Best Practices Framework, you can explore actions to improve balanced representation of men and women in the workplace, read reference materials and guides for implementation, and select best practices to build a customized action plan to address gaps at your company.